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Festival of the young European puppeteers


«Amalfi Puppets 2007» is the natural evolution of the Prize «Nuove Mani» Festival of the young European puppeteers.
It is organized by the Compagnia degli Sbuffi with the collaboration of the town of Amalfi.

The programme for the first year of the next millennium is completely renewed.
Ten days of shows, meetings, exhibitions, team-groups will spead peacefully over the splendid small town of Amalfi.
It is a big Kermesse and the winning card of the Festival is the panel of about 200 who have the difficult task to assign the prize «SIMPATIA».
The first three days of the Festival are devoted to the characteristic small villages near Amalfi with a system that provides a show and a team-work on the making of puppets and animated figures with second-hand materials.

During the Festival fourteen among the most promising young companies of the Puppets Theatre enter into competition. They are not only from Italy but also from different countries of the European Union.

The simple but fundamental idea is to build not only a European Union of markets but also a European Union of different cultures coming to terms with each other.
The selected companies will perform not only for the children’s panel but also for a panel of experts coming from different European countries. They’ll assign two prizes: «Panorama italiano» (The best Italian company), «Panorama Europeo» (The best European company ).
For the 2000 edition of «Amalfi Puppets» we have presented a section hors concours which presents an exhibition of the best productions of the most prestious companies of the Italian Puppets Theatre. This first section is devoted to the world of fairy - tales.